
How to use subscript in openoffice impress pres
How to use subscript in openoffice impress pres

how to use subscript in openoffice impress pres how to use subscript in openoffice impress pres

If you need something more complex, then instead, choose Insert > Object > Formula. It's a pain to scroll through all that again and again so make an AutoText entry for it. If you select several you'll see them all displayed at the right side of the window and they'll all be inserted. Now, if you just want a Special Character, pi or lambda or something, you can choose Insert > Special Character.įind the one you want. Anything out of the realm of plain text, just go to the Insert menu. The first step is to just go to the old reliable Insert menu. Or you'll need to have a+b+c divided by 2. Or you're going to need to talk about squaring lambda. Sooner or later, no matter who you are, you're going to have to talk about pi.

How to use subscript in openoffice impress pres